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Sunday, 6 May 2012

The Threshold

The threshold is the moment when you decide to follow your Need to Be, rather than perpetuate your identity of survival. In other words, it's that which separates your present existence from a future Life - the will to live in, and through, Magic. And no, you well know I am not talking about basic spells or herb lore. Life should be lived with magical intent, where amazing things happen to help you achieve that which you Want, from your Essential Love Being, despite what logic could ever rationalise against.

There are thousands of thresholds in one's life. Every time we tune into our Selves and recognise the Truth - that our nature is Magical, our capabilities Limitless, our potential as great as our Dreams, and so many more truths! -, and then decide to pursue that Self, embrace the Magic, and dare Be, we come to and cross a threshold. However, the thresholds are well guarded, and we often give up or recoil from what the crossing would imply. Guards to the threshold can be many things, from people to situations. And yes, they can be quite scary, but actually I have found them mostly insidious. Since the matter of these guardians is rather crucial, let me expound on them.

When I was first made aware of the existence of both thresholds and guardians, I initially imagined the people who will try to convince you not to take the leap of faith. Now, these people are mostly working with your best interests at heart, and their attempt is rather to protect your 'here self' from what they perceive as harmful. Honestly, they are not out to hurt you; they are just limited to the 'here self' view of instant consequences, thus not able to visualise the 'Ever Self' which requires the crossing of the threshold. The result of the action you are contemplating (i.e. going up on a stage; leaving your partner; choosing a job in a country you have never lived in...) is, in their eyes, a negative result they fear (ridicule; loss of income and house; distance from family and family food) since they are not part of the Love that motivates it (of acting; of a healthy self; of experiences to share). It is therefore easy to be convinced by these people, because their concerns are looking after us. Careful!! It is not their care that they are giving you, but the fear that will bar, as a good guardian will, your access to the other side, the Side of Life.

Other guardians are situational. I, for example, found myself literally unable to access my bank account the first time I wanted to enrol in a course to help me cross the thresholds and build on the Life I Need/Want. It's at moments like this when we must remember the key to the threshold: always keep your Vision of the Self you Want! It is this Vision which will prove your engine, that will strengthen your resolve to cross and defeat the obstacles/monsters to come. Honestly, the conviction in our vision makes the guardians dissolve in thin air. Like I said, the first time I was 'unable' to register, since I had no bank access. I decided that same day to enrol as soon as the course was run again. I have done so, and not a hitch! The money's ready, the access assured, the paper signed.

You can look forward and be undeterred merely by looking BEYOND the guardians, past the threshold itself, and focusing your intent, the Truth of your Self, on the Vision of Life you have for yourself.

I must say, though, that I am still a bit weary of the guardians to this last threshold. Since this is the first time I wilfully cross the threshold, identify and face down the fears (or rather, their murderous smoke screens), I expected there to be 'retaliations'. I am cautious, as I half-expect other, new, more powerful guardians to stop me again. I fall into old patterns of self and worry, until I remember and rejoice the Choice I have made, and focus again on my new reality and the Magic already happening.

So, yes, I'd say the main elements to remember with connection to the threshold are:
Vision! keep it always vivid, and in focus, despite anything and anyone.
Magic! enjoy it and play with it, for it is the true measure that you're on track (even when it seems to be wrong, it's never against your best interests).
Be your Self! don't just exist, or the guardians will have the upper hand.

Happy crossings. See you on the other side!

1 comment:

  1. A blessed crossing, then and looking forward to more insights!
